时间:2022-01-28 10:26:24
6月28日,天津市实验中学国际部DP-1 的五位艺术生和MYP-2的三位同学在老师的带领下,来到佟楼公园参加了由马场街举办的“庆祝中国共产党成立98周年之‘不忘初心 牢记使命’志愿服务主题党日活动”,并共同见证了天津市实验中学与马场街成为共建基地这一令人难忘的时刻。为宣传并推动“天津市文明行为促进条例”的实施,IB年级的同学在此次活动中创作了20余幅手绘作品,并在现场为社区领导以及参观居民进行了详细的讲解,赢得了大家的称赞。
On June 28th, 5 DP-1 fine art students were invited along with several teachers and 3 members from MYP-2 to Tong Lou Park to attend an official event. This event was dedicated to “the Celebration of the 98th anniversary of Communist Party of China”. The volunteers like us were honored to witness the signing ceremony of collaboration between TEHS and Ma Chang Street Committee. We have painted more than 20 posters as some propaganda to advocate for “Regulations on Promotion of Civilized Behaviors in Tianjin” while winning rounds of applause from committee leaders and local residents.
We have to admit that the process of creating and serving was a great challenge as everyone had to fully understand the idea of “Regulations on Promotion of Civilized Behaviors” while exploiting different inspirations to create our artworks. Gathering experiences and writing down our own opinions was a main portion in this as well. We sincerely hope that our effort into every piece of work is able to raise public awareness of contribution to the wellbeing of the entire community.
Students’ works are going to be on display in other 11 neighborhoods and we consider this the most effective and understandable way to help spread the idea.