时间:2023-02-09 16:21:20
Right after the mid-term exams, the entire campus goes on a celebration of the annual Spring Sports Convention on April the 30th. Every individual from the IB campus had actively contributed to making the Sports Con more fierce and competitive. From the opening ceremony march to the different competitions, the athletes proved to us being the leading figures of absolute readiness and promoting friendship. 5月5日,IBMYP-2全体学生共同参加了“实验中学经典文化传承主题活动”。在银博缘四大发明体验中心,同学们学习了“四大发明”的知识并亲手尝试了古法造纸和活字印刷,大家都被中国古代人民的智慧所折服。随后同学们还共同参观了梁启超故居和曹禺故居,并一起朗诵了《少年中国说》,每个人都被其中的词句深深鼓舞,激发了大家的爱国热情。在杨柳青木版年画博物馆,同学们深入了解了杨柳青年画的制作工序以及历史,对天津的传统民俗文化有了直观的了解。活动中,同学们领略到了中国传统文化的博大精深,激发了热爱传统文化的热情。
On May the 5th, 2019, everyone from the IBMYP-2 class took part in the “TEHS Classic Culture” themed event. The students learned about the “Four Great Inventions” of China and also played along when it comes to experimenting papermaking and printing techniques themselves. Obviously, they were impressed by the wisdom of our ancestors. Our students then visited the former residence of Liang Qichao and Cao yu and of course, reading the literary work of “Young China” out loud boosted their patriotism. At the YangLiuQing traditional art museum, everyone had a direct visualization of the process of art making and its history. The event, in conclusion, was a great opportunity for the students to learn more about the traditional Chinese culture.