所在地区:天津 河西区学校性质:公立学校

Just this week, the annual IB-DP2 graduation art show was held on the campus. Our seniors have been preparing for this exciting moment way too long. With their art works hung up throughout the campus, we have gotten direct and easier access to their amazing pieces. From graphic art to three dimensional art works, we have taken a deeper step into the senior students’ profound reflection on modern society. Furthermore there were also skate board painting, paper cup and clay art added to this show with miscellaneous art styles.
I try to express an artistic conception in this work. All kinds of breath permeate the city and let the beautiful, gloomy, bright, and surveillance. What I want to express is a kind of inexplicable pressure and various social reasons that I felt when I first came into contact with society. In this mixed society, the concepts of survival and death have become increasingly blurred.
Made by cups and use their projection to construct the face-like shadow. A person is composed of tangible body and cognitive aspect. The tangible aspect is decided by human gene and the cognitive aspect is affected by many aspects like the surrounding people and environment, the things they accessed. All of these factors composed an individual's mind and personality. This artwork is intending to create an embodiment of the cognitive aspect of people.
这两件是谷雨的服装设计作品,左边的叫做The Danish girl,创作灵感来源于电影《丹麦女孩》,这个故事基于第一次被记录的变性手术,它讲述了传奇的丹麦画家Lily Albi的觉醒。随着电影的发展,Lily的男性身体导致她越来越痛苦,因为她发现她不是一个纯粹的艺术实体,而是他们真正的自我。“别人的嘲笑不是你的梦想,而是你的力量。”右边的叫做The Queen,作品灵感来源于洛可可时期。女人穿着男人的服装,它被人们广泛地认为是独立和自由的展现。
The Danish Girl is an extension of The Queen, inspired mainly by the film "Danish Girl" (2015) based on the true story of the first recorded sex reassignment surgery. It follows the protagonist’s awakening, the legendary Danish painter Lily Albi. Lily is dormant true female persona of her male body. As the film progresses, Lily’s male body causes her increasing distress as she discovers that she is not a mere artistic entity but their true self. It is said that, “it is not your dream that others ridicule, it is your strength”.
The Queen is a series about the feminine versus masculine discourse in fashion. When a woman wears men’s fashion, it is become widely accepted as an act of independence, strength or liberation and so forth whilst men are still lampooned with a stream of derogatory slurs. The main inspiration comes from the Rococo period.
Painted my skateboard decks into a collectable series. Acrylic paint was used on top of back grip tape that provides the friction surface of the skateboard. Wanted to represent a nature theme and represent animals and species just recently taken off the endangered species list. A representation that our efforts in conservation can actually work.
The painting is a sea full of sunshine, and the overall style is not realistic. The purpose of interlacing white, blue, and green in the background is to bring a sense of dreaminess and embarrassment. The ocean is endless, so I use the ocean and whales, dolphins to express the feeling of brightness and joy. At the same time, I also use part of the 2d technique to express the things in the painting, thus increasing the unreality and dreaminess. The purpose of the whole painting is to show a fantasy-free and worry-free scene, which is not true but worthy of yearning.
Finally,we sincerely wish the best for all the seniors in their IBF inal Exam!