时间管理助力北京明诚学子踏入新征程Time Management
时间:2022-01-27 15:35:11
This new academic year has already arrived, both parents and students at BMCA have some high expectations about school life in the new school year. Teachers hope that students will start their new journey efficiently.
Please follow us to learn how to help your children with time management.
Method One :A Ripped Piece of Paper
Cut a piece of paper into 24 parts, each piece of paper represents an hour. Please record how you spend 24 hours of your day. Keep recording these for a week, and then think about where your time has gone. What's wrong with your schedule? How to plan time reasonably and how to make use of the gaps in your day ?
Method Two:The Countdown Method
Whether it is time for study or entertainment should be arranged in advance, please set your alarm clock and be strict.
Method Three:To Do List
To do list 列出两个清单,一个是你按照计划已经完成的清单,一个是你未完成的需要你去做的清单。并用便签纸贴到醒目位置提醒自己。
A To do list needs to have two tables,one already completed ,the other are the things you need to do.You can use different color Post-it-note.
Method Four:Learn Your Priorities
Let your children learn to accept that effective time management is not to do everything at the same time. Someone who really knows how to use his time must be the someone who knows how to be organzised. After the students enter middle school, the pressure of study increases a lot. At the beginning, it is not an easy thing to do all the things in an organized way. When students are studying, they always have a lot of books in front of them, and sometimes they can't figure out which part is the most important. Please encourage your children to make sure that they are doing the most important things first. Then, let students make sure that their time is being used efficiently. If the child plans to do homework for five subjects in one day,please encourage your child to choose the subjects that need to be improved the most.
Time is like the sand in our hands.We need to respect time and manage time carefully.