时间:2023-03-08 11:37:02
2021年12月,青浦协和双语学校小学部的学生在冬日的暖阳下,在古色古香的国湘书院里和Helen主任一起开启了一段 “倾听与表达”的美妙时光。
In December, SUIS Qingpu Primary School students had a wonderful time of listening and discussion with the Head of our Primary School division, Helen Liu, in the Guoxiang Ancient Scholar’s House.
G1 and G2感怀时光
The first group of small guests for this tea party gathering, our first graders, entered the Ancient House with curiosity and excitement as they started their first special date in their primary school life.
In just three months of primary school, they have experienced the beauty of the school and have established friendships with their classmates. We believe they will work together better and better over the months to come.
The student representatives from Grade 2 were selected by their classmates with the theme of "encouraging and discovering beauty." These little delegates received praise and trust from their classmates, and they walked into the Scholar’s House with a sense of pride and responsibility. Mrs. Liu asked, "What do you expect of yourself?". This question inspired the children to be warm, sincere and reflective in expressing themselves.
The Grade 2 students spoke freely, of their care for friendships, care for their teachers and of their enthusiasm for learning – they are like a seed that sprouts and grows slowly. It was clear from this gathering that school is a place which both provides them with the beginnings of growth and stimulates their learning and creative inspiration.
三年级的学生代表直接表达了参加茶话会的感受:“高兴,激动,荣誉感。”他们提出了共性的问题:“如何规划好时间?” 通过交流孩子们更加懂得“做任何事情都需要不断努力,不断积累方法经验,学会做一个Good thinker。”
The third grade student representatives directly expressed their feelings regarding their participation in the tea party: ”Happiness, excitement and a sense of honour.”
G4 and G5 温情相聚
Student representatives from Grades 4 and 5 were selected by teachers of various disciplines and according to the students' class comments and homework performance. They put forward a lot of their own views and many meaningful questions.
Helen Liu recorded the children's suggestions and discussed with them measures that could help to improve things. For example, it was suggested that the school recruit library volunteers from senior students to help library teachers organize books together. This suggestion immediately received a warm response from the tea party students who expressed their willingness to help the school make the library cleaner. In the tea gathering’s atmosphere of freely sharing ideas and thoughts, the students' spirit of ‘ownership’ was further developed and the distance between the school management and the students further narrowed.
Helen主任也结合自己的经历,对所有的学生代表提出了两个期望:一个是“自信自律”,另一个是“心怀梦想,努力追逐”。在青浦协和,每一场师生活动是倾听与表达,点燃与激发,信任与鼓励 。我们用心浇灌孩子们的成长,丰满他们的羽翼,成为更好的自己,期待更多的孩子走进“我和主任有个约会”的下午茶时间。
Mrs. Liu also put forward two expectations for all student representatives based on her own experience. One was “self-confidence and self-discipline”, and the other was, “Pursue tangible progress with our dreams.” Within the Qingpu Campus, the purpose of every teacher-student activity is to listen and express, to ignite and inspire, to trust and encourage.
英文校对:Adam ,Scott
SUIS Qingpu Campus
No. 32, Yejin Road, Qingpu, Shanghai
联系电话 TEL:021-59788660