时间:2023-03-08 08:36:03
Written by Stella Hu,Penny Tang
文 / 胡克雯 唐夷
1· 赐予者 The giver ·
蓝思值 Lexile measure: 760L
适合年级 Grade Level:G7-G9
作者 Author:露易丝·劳里 Lois Lowry
出版社 Publisher:Harcourt Brace and Company
国际标准书号 ISBN:9780544336261
书架号 Shelf Number:2F—0047
The Giver,翻译为《赐予者》,这本200多页的小说描述了一个乌托邦社会,以及对它的反思。作为一个完美的社会,没有失业,邻里和睦,家庭美满。然而,这个秩序井然的社会,却井井有条得让人窒息......
The Giver, a 200-page novel, describes a utopian society and its reflection. There is no unemployment in this perfect society, and there are harmonious neighbors and happy families. However, this well-ordered society is so orderly that people suffocate......
Each baby is born by a special fertility provider and given to the Caregiver. Every December, if all indicators have been checked and confirmed, the baby will become a "one-year-old", will receive his own name and will officially become a member of society. The Presbyterian Church will assign the baby to a couple as their child. Children are given tasks to complete each year as they grow up. In such a society, people live happily. Until......
A boy named Jonas is named the "Memory Messenger" by the Presbyterian Church. Under the guidance of the previous Memory Messenger, or "Giver", he constantly experiences memories belonging to his predecessors. It turns out that people give all the memories of their predecessors to the Memory Messenger, letting him bear the pain of all these memories alone. As a result, the boy attempts to escape from this terrible place...
2· 一生自在 ·
适合年级 Grade Level:9年级以上
作者 Author:季羡林
出版社 Publisher:江苏凤凰文艺出版社
国际标准书号 ISBN:9787559434937
书架号 Shelf Number:2F—0802
"A Lifetime of Freedom" is a work that embodies Ji Xianlin's free wisdom. There are five chapters in this book: “Comforting the Life with Books", which discusses the enlightenment of freedom through reading; "Calm and magnanimous, with everything in mind", discussing the human freedom that comes from having life wisdom; "Letting go of single thoughts and remaining at ease", which talks about having an open-minded state of mind; "See the world, meet oneself", which discusses the personal freedom gained by studying abroad; and "It is better to be at ease than to be perfect", which discusses the life freedom gained by realizing life.
In his 80s, Ji talks about life and tells every passenger walking alone in the journey of life that a good state of life is to live magnanimously, soberly and freely.
3· 茶马古道 · · 远山牛铃声,远山马铃响 ·
适合年级 Grade Level:G1-G3
作者 Author:李如青
出版社 Publisher:江苏凤凰少年儿童出版社
国际标准书号 ISBN:9787558410727
书架号 Shelf number:1F—0849
Upon initially viewing this book, readers will be easily attracted by its cover: snow-capped mountains far away revealing tranquility, and a trade caravan struggling uphill, surrounded by a deserted landscape and the unknown journey ahead.
Readers will be surprised to find that this is a book with two stories sharing the same end, which should be read from both ends to the middle. The two main characters of each story are Ah Jin in “The Clonk of the Yak Bell”, a boy from the Tibetan plateau, and Hua Hua in “The Sound of the Horse Bell”, a girl from a tea valley in Yunnan Province. This is a warm story about a horse caravan carrying tea and a yak caravan carrying salt, eventually meeting in Lhasa, the city of sunshine. It is also about the journies of two children growing up. One can see from the map at the end of the book that it’s not difficult to realize that Ah Jin and Hua Hua both take the Yunnan-Tibet route, one of the main pathways of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, the dangers along which are beyond imagination. However, the two protagonists do not choose to retreat. Instead, they travel over mountains and rivers, their willpower constantly tested and honed.
This picture book is worth reading, not only because of the aesthetic pictures shown in watercolor, but also because of the human and agrestic geographical knowledge that children can learn as well as the beautiful qualities embodied in the protagonists experienced through the changing picture tones and reading perspectives.
4· Arrow to the Sun · · 射向太阳的箭·
蓝思值 Lexile measure: 440L
适合年级 Grade Level:G1-G3
作者 Author & Illustrator: Gerald McDermott
出版社 Publisher:Puffin Books
国际标准书号 ISBN:9780140502114
书架号 Shelf Number:1F—1728
美国画家杰拉德.麦克德默特(Gerald McDermott) 在这本1975年荣获凯迪克金奖的作品中以鲜明的色彩和大胆的几何形式,再现了普韦布洛印第安艺术的风格,向读者讲述了一个古老的传说。
With vibrant colors and bold geometric forms, Gerald McDermott brilliantly captures the stylized look of Pueblo Indian art in this Caldecott Award-winning retelling of an ancient legend.
A young boy searches for his father, but before he can claim his heritage he must first prove his worthiness by passing through four ceremonial chambers: the kiva of lions, the kiva of snakes, the kiva of bees, and the kiva of lightning. In the end, the boy is transformed in the Lightning Cave, and his body is filled with the power of the sun. As the boy and his father happily reunite, the father says, "My son, now you need to return to the earth and bring my spirit to the people." Striking in its simplicity and grace.
Arrow to the Sun vividly evokes the Native American reverence for the source of all life - the Solar Fire.
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