时间:2022-01-27 15:55:38
Online Learning during Pandemic
by Peter Paul Gabato
On March 11, 2019, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 as pandemic. This resulted to increasing number of schools and universities across the world looking for an alternative education. With the help of technology and internet, online learning became the best option to offer since teachers and students are in different places of the world fighting for this unseen enemy. The school greatly believe on the importance of education so we can’t afford any delay of important learning to inculcate with the students. This time, the Zhumu (online learning app) is our virtual classroom which is different from the usual setting. This new virtual classroom provides advantages as well as challenges that requires extra hard work.
Students are used to learning in a typical classroom, so it is very important to remember three qualities to help this online learning successful. These are optimism, self determination and self discipline. Optimism is defined to have confidence about successful outcome of something. This attitude prepares students on achieving their goal. Difficulties may arise but an optimistic student will always be confident to overcome them. Another good attitude is self determination. This is an ability to manage something personally. Since online learning happens at home, the student does every required work independently. With self determination, a student develops her/his own motivation to solve any problem. The third quality mentioned earlier is the self discipline. Learning at home is surrounded with some temptations such as video games, sleep and cellphone. Self discipline is a self control which is a sign of inner strength. This quality helps students overcome the temptations and stick to the Parents play an important role in ensuring the preparedness of their child in this online learning.
The support to their child is a good factor to equip them with motivation and good qualities mentioned above. Parents who support their children is a very good asset of the school as they help in moulding their child with good qualities required to be successful someday.
For about two months, both students and teachers experienced some adjustments. Even teachers had a shift of mindset in order to become optimistic on the different challenges in providing quality education. As a Mathematics teacher, worries came into my mind on the possible outcome of the online learning. Preparing online lessons is a struggle of an online teacher. It consumes a lot of time than the actual teaching. But one goal should be always remembered, educate.
The support of the school’s administration greatly affect the success of the online learning. From organized online meetings to different suggested modern apps, the process becomes much easier to both students and teachers. The constant communication about strengths and weaknesses resulted to a better learning process. With this, surely our ultimate goal for good education will definitely be achieved.
家长在学生们准备网络学习的过程中也起到非常重要的作用。家长们要鼓励自己的孩子,给他动力,并帮助他保持乐观,自觉和自律。家长们的这些帮助会使得学校在教育学生时”如虎添翼“, 因为您为孩子塑造的这些优良品质会助力孩子未来的成功。