时间:2023-02-09 13:11:43
Semi-Annual Parents’ Day 为促进学校、家长、教师之间的沟通,让家长零距离了解学校的教育教学管理、以及孩子在校学习生活情况,凝聚学校与家长的管理智慧,共同促进学生健康成长,2019年11月15日,北京市第五十五中学国际部学生部举办了家长日活动。 On November 15, 2019, the International Students Section held a Parent’s Day event. The purpose of the event was to strengthen the communication between the school,parents and teachers. Additionally, the event familiarized parents with the school's academic program, management, and the progress of students’ achievements. 本次活动的重点依然是家长与任课教师的“一对一”座谈。活动当天学生停课在家休息,家长按预先约定好的时间与相关任课教师进行一对一的交流,这种个性化的咨询方式让家长有充分的时间全面了解孩子的在校情况,家长能够更加有针对性的了解学生的学习和成长,教师在与家长充分沟通之后,共同为孩子拟定个性化成长方案。同时,学校也可以更加广泛、更直接地听取家长对学校工作的意见和建议,共同促进学校的教育教学工作。 The event focused on "one-on-one" discussions between parents and teachers. On Parents’ Day, students stayed at home, while parents met with the teachers for consultations. This method of personalized interaction gave parents plenty of time to get a sense of how their children are doing in school, gaining centralized knowledge of students' learning and growth. After communicating with parents, teachers made a personal growth plan for the students. At the same time, the school is able get input from the parents and jointly promote education teaching in school. 活动中,国际学生部还举办了MYP、DP、ManageBac等IB项目相关讲座,在会议室为家长提供IB咨询服务,家长们可以自己安排时间向负责教师咨询IB项目的相关问题,包括 MYP项目、DP项目、课程特色、屏幕考试、升学咨询等内容,以满足家长的不同需求。 During the event, our school held lectures on MYP, DP, ManageBac and other IB projects and provided IB consulting services to parents in the conference room. Parents were able to arrange their own time to confer about the IB projects, including MYP and DP project seminars, course features, e-assessment, and the content of promotion consultation, meeting the different needs of parents. 此次家长日活动让家长与教师、学校之间建立了良好的沟通关系,实现了真正意义上的交流, 体现了学校对家长和学生的理解和尊重,充分调动了家长参与学校教育的积极性,促进了教育和谐发展,形成教育合力,切实提升学校教育教学的实效性,获得了家长们的高度评价。 This semester’s Parents' Day established and improved on the good relationships between parents, teachers, and the school, providing an opportunity for direct communication. It reflected the school's understanding and respect for both parents and students, effectively improving the transparency of the school’s curriculums and teaching methods, receiving high praise from parents.