济南伊顿国际学校:Father's Day Inquiry Activity
时间:2022-01-28 09:55:39
The power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched.”
Justin Ricklefs
6月21日是父亲节,济南伊顿国际学校的孩子们通过不同的形式庆祝父亲节, 使用一百种语言去表达他们对爸爸的爱。
21st June is Father’s Day, children in school celebrate Father'sDay in different ways, using 100 languages to show their love to their dear fathers.
At EtonHouse, we provide children differentloose parts and materials to explore with, they dialogue with different materials, and learn from play and exploration.
Children use different nature materials and loose parts to design gifts for fathers.
I can write and spell, children use their languages to express their love to fathers.
The image of father, they draw pictures and make fathers' portraits, to tell stories about their fathers.
The image of father from children, father as a superman, spider man to protect them, a hard working person to make their children happy, a strong and healthy dad, a musician to play for people, what do you think about your father?
the image of dad
The children and staff wish all fathers have a very Happy Father's Day!