What are you up to, 青岛MTI国际学校?
时间:2022-01-27 22:00:21
Our community and learning communities across our school system (iSC) have been making the most of this unconventional learning season with new opportunities around them. Enjoy this video as our ISQ and iSC students, parents, and staff share with us what they’ve been up to in this season of Home-Based Learning (HBL).
ISQ와 iSC 학습 공동체는 새로운 학습 기회와 함께 홈러닝 시즌을 효율적으로 활용하기 위해 노력해 오고 있습니다. 다음의 영상을 통해 ISQ 및 iSC에 속한 학생, 학부모님, 교사진들이 경험한 홈러닝(HBL)에 대해 들어보세요!
What opportunities has your family made the most of during this season of HBL?
홈러닝(HBL)을 통해 가장 효과를 보신 방법이 있으시다면 저희와 함께 나누어 주세요!