时间:2022-01-27 21:33:55
The 2021 Covestro Cup iDEALShanghai English Essay Competition took successfully place at the Shanghai United Media Group Hall on June 30th. The contest was under the theme "Shaping the Future, Waste to Value", and contestants from more than 10 countries and regions participated in this exciting contest, using the international language par excellence, English, to spread the great results that China has achieved in this field. Sky Zhou , a Grade 8 student from our school, outclassed the other participants, and won the first prize of the Junior division!
由上海日报社主办,科思创杯iDEALShanghai英文征文比赛于6月30日在上海报业集团报告厅圆满落幕,参与活动的小选手们来自十余个国家和地区,上海虹桥国际学校G8学生Sky Zhou一路过关斩将,最终获得了少年组一等奖的好成绩!
此次英文征文比赛以“塑造未来,变废为宝(Shaping the Future, Waste-to-Value)”为主题,旨在激励不同国籍的儿童和青少年,通过多元化的视角,发出自己的环保倡议。
The contest attracted more than 1,600 students from about 100 Chinese and international schools in Shanghai. In the first round they had to submit an essay on one of three topics: reducing or ending plastic waste; designing an installation or ecosystem to promote recycling of plastics; or minimizing litter, especially in oceans.
During the semi-finals, more than 50000 people watched the online streaming sessions and voted for their favorite contestant. This event has been followed by the whole foreign community in Shanghai.
Sky Zhou’s idea has amazed the audience: his proposal was a recycling machine that can melt thermoplastic material in order to create 3D printing products. This would incredibly decrease the level of plastic waste. Needless to say, this project needed a huge effort in terms of research and investigation, and his "feasibility report" was also highly recognized by Ms. Lei Huanli, President of Covestro China and polymer expert.
在决赛现场,我校8年级学生Sky Zhou以“塑料废弃物3D打印再生机器”的提案惊艳全场,他提出通过聚乙烯和聚丙烯塑料可热熔的特性,将废弃塑料生成为3D打印的原料,再生成新的创意产品。为此他做了大量的调查和研究,而他的这份“可行性报告”在现场也获得了科思创中国区总裁、聚合物专家雷焕丽女士的高度认可。
Sky's Reflection
For many years, I understood the need to recycle, but I thought that just meant carting plastics to a recycling factory. Then I found out it was not quite so easy, so I studied the more complicated details of the process. There is still so much we have to do in the future to make it really work.
Congratulations Sky for your great job!
At HQIS, students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and competitions to broaden their perspectives, develop social skills, self-confidence, and become multiskilled global citizens of the future.