时间:2023-02-10 05:46:11
Each activity required sharp focus and attention from the students, so the esteemed monks began every day’s lesson with an important meditation session to prepare the kids for the fun and challenging tasks ahead. 在这里的每一项活动都需要学生们的高度集中注意力,所以少林师父们为了让孩子们更加专注,在活动最开始设有有一个重要的冥想环节,为的是让孩子们静心,在接下来的有趣及富有挑战性的活动做好准备。
By starting with mindfulness practice, children were able to sharpen their concentration skills and become more aware of their surroundings. Working on proper breathing technique, good posture and singleness of mind really helped the students perform their tasks efficiently, just like real monks. They struck each pose as the instructor called them out, drew their bows with confidence, and turned each corner of every Chinese character all under the expert guidance of their Kung-Fu masters. 从最初的练习开始,孩子们都能够集中注意力,并对周围环境做到更仔细的观察。练习正确的呼吸技巧,良好的姿势和静心的状态也有助于学生有效地完成任务。在少林师傅的专业指导下,练习正确的姿势,自信满满的拉弓,孩子们也懂得了每个汉字书写时也要注意抑扬顿挫。每个活动结束,都会有双手合十深深的鞠躬的动作,这是对彼此的尊重。
Back at Magnolia, students are encouraged the same way. Teachers often practice mindfulness with the children through yoga, meditation, and other activities to create a mindset where children can focus and learn without getting distracted. It’s another skill our students are developing that they can use for the rest of their lives! 回到玛诺利娅,学生们在老师的带动下,延续着少林文化中心的优质活动。老师们会通过瑜伽、冥想及其它安静活动与孩子们一起练习,通过静坐、放松活动,提高孩子们的集中注意力。这是孩子们正在学习的新本领,学会后将受用终身! Thanks again to the amazing instructors at Shaolin Kung-Fu Cultural Center for helping us make our “Discovering the World” Topic extra-special! See you again, soon! 再次感谢少林功夫文化中心的少林师父们,他们展现的少林文化和精神使我们夏令营的“发现世界”主题变得更加特别!希望不久后能再见到他们!