时间:2022-01-27 21:24:48
On Jan 16th, the Minister of education from the government of Western Australia and her delegation have attended our award ceremony to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our graduates.
本次出席颁奖典礼的嘉宾有西澳洲教育部部长;上议院领袖Hon Suzanne Ellery女士、西澳洲教育部部长办公室主任Liz Carey女士、西澳洲教育部常务副部长Stephen Baxter先生和西澳洲政府驻华办公室首席代表Stuart Crockett先生等11位政府官员。Hon Suzanne Ellery女士代表澳大利亚西澳洲教育部为我校毕业生颁发高考奖学金。教育部长在发表颁奖感言中表示,为我校每位学生平均收到4-5份名校录取通知书而感到骄傲,并称赞上海澳大利亚国际学校是西澳洲教育部下海外办学最成功的精英公立高中,甚至在西澳州当地也是办学最成功的高中之一。
We had 11 important government staff attending the ceremony. It includes Hon Suzanne Ellery, Minister for Education and Training; Ms Liz Carey, Chef of Staff of Minister for Education and Training; Mr Stephen Baxter, Deputy Director General of Department of Education and Mr Stuart Crockett, Commissioner of WA government office in China. During the ceremony, Hon Suzanne Ellery said that she was proud of the fact that almost every single one of those students had about 4-5 offers from the top universities in the world. From the academic point of view, the Minister also reckoned that our school was one of the most successful schools offering international WACE program and also in Western Australia.
继双文凭班正式开设后,我校澳洲成绩再创佳绩,已远高于西澳洲教育部的平均成绩。据统计,2019我校80%以上的学生正式被澳洲国立大学、墨尔本大学、新南威尔士大学、悉尼大学、英国伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、曼切斯特大学、爱丁堡大学等世界前50的高校录取。 After opening double high school certtificate program in 2019, our school has made another great achievement. According to statistics,80% students of the graduates in 2019 have been offered places at World's Top50 universties, which includes ANU、Melbourne University、UNSW Sydney、the University of Sydney、UCL、Imperial College London、the University of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh.
Beijing opera show was performed by "Chinese National Opera Society" of our school.
Besides, Dr Lu, the principal of our school, was invited to attend the "Friends of WA" event organized by Consulate General of Australia in Shanghai to share the achievements of our school over the past 10 years and discuss the educational development plan for the next 10 years.