时间:2022-01-27 20:49:03
Duke of Edinburgh International Award at LYBS
After countless hours of hard work and planning at the English Division - LYBS, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been licensed by the Duke of Edinburgh International Award China office and already have ten students that are committed to setting and pursuing challenges, getting out of their comfort zone, acquiring skills that will serve them for years to come, and helping others.
Award Philosophy
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement Award and equips young people for life in over 140 countries and territories across the globe.
The Award is available to all young people aged 14‐24. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognizes their achievements consistently.
The Award encourages young people to design their own programme of activities, set their own goals and challenge themselves to achieve their aims.
The Award is comprised of three levels and four sections. Participants complete all four sections at each level in order to achieve their Award. At Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project.
The award is about individual challenge, variety of activity, duration, support and teamwork and recognition. As every individual is different, so too are the challenges that young people undertake to achieve their Award.
With guidance from their Award Leader, activity Assessor, or other Award volunteers, each young person is encouraged to look at themselves, their interests, abilities, and ambitions, then set themselves challenges in the four different Section of the Award (Voluntary Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey).
These challenges should require persistence and determination to overcome. Along the way, Participants may want to give up but at the end of their Award Journey, they will have the satisfaction of knowing they overcame the challenges they faced and succeeded; learning about themselves, their hidden depths of character, and developing as human being in the process. It is important that these challenges are at the right level for the individual - too easy and there will be no sense of real achievement, too difficult and the young person may give up.
青年无需为了获得该奖项而精益求精,他们只需要设定对个人有挑战的持续改进目标并努力实现。关键是日常的努力,以及与具有专业知识并指导参与者的活动评估者定期互动。最后,为了帮助年轻人克服困难和挑战,该奖项为他们提供了体验式学习的机会。库尔特-哈恩(Kurt Hahn)博士等人发展了“体验式学习”的理念,从直接的体验中获取意义。
Young people do not need to excel to achieve the Award, they simply need to set personally challenging goals for improvement and demonstrate effort as they strive to reach these goals. A demonstration of commitment through typically weekly effort is the key, along with regular interaction with the activity assessor who has subject matter expertivse and mentors the Award participant. Finally, to help young people overcome their fears and challenges, the Award provides them with opportunities to learn from experience. Dr Kurt Hahn, among other, helped to develop the philosophy of ‘experiential learning’, a process of making meaning from direct experiences.
Who can take part in the Award?
The Award is available to all young people aged 14 to24. It is voluntary, non-competitive, enjoyable and balanced, and requires sustained effort over time. The Award encourages young people to design their own programme of activities, set their own goals and challenge themselves to achieve their aims.
Sections and Levels
Bronze- For those over 14 years,
6 months minimum participation
Silver- For those over 15 years,
12 months minimum participation
Gold- For those over 16 years,
18 months minimum participation
Each Level Includes
Voluntary Service- Participants volunteer in their communities, make a positive contribution to society and demonstrate social responsibility.
Physical Recreation- Encourage young people to improve their fitness and performance, and enjoy healthy lifestlyes for good mental and physical wellbeing.
Skills- Enable participants to develop their talents, broaden their abilities, increase their self-confidence and improve their employability.
Adventurous Journey- Young people discover a spirit of adventure and gain a deeper understanding of the environment and the great outdoors.
The Learning Cycle
库尔特·哈恩(Kurt Hahn)博士
The theory of "experiential learning" focuses on the fact that people learn and grow through experience by planning, doing, and reviewing in three steps in any situation. The award encourages participants to use the same learning loop to practice the subject matter of the award at all levels and to grow and develop good study habits.
The Ten Guiding Principles
个体化 Individual
Participants design their own programme, tailored to suit their personal circumstances, choices and local provision. They start at whichever level suits them and they can take as long as they wish (within the age limit) to achieve their Award.
非竞争性 Non-competitive
Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition between participants.
可实现性 Achievable
An Award is achievable by any individual who chooses to take up the challenge, regardless of ability, gender, background or location, with the right guidance and inspiration.
自愿 Voluntary
Whilst the Award may be offered within school, college, work or custody, individuals choose to do a programme and must commit some of their free time to participate.
发展 Developmental
Participating in the Award fosters personal and social development. Individuals gain valuable experiences and life skills, grow in confidence and become more aware of their environment and community transforming them into responsible young adults.
平衡 Balanced
The Award provides a balanced framework to develop the individual’s mind, body and community spirit by engaging them in a range of activities in up to five different challenges.
进取 Progressive
At each level, the Award demands progressively more time, commitment and responsibility from the participant.
激励 Inspiring
The Award inspires individuals to exceed their expectations. They are encouraged to set their own challenges and goals, aim for these goals and by showing improvement will achieve an Award.
坚持 Persistence
The Award requires persistence and cannot be completed with a short burst of enthusiasm. Participants are encouraged to continue with activities and to maintain their interest beyond the programme.
享受 Enjoyable
Participants and Leaders should find the Award enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding.
The ten students of LYBS who have applied for the award are now preparing for the six-week Bronze Award course and are planning an outdoor adventure in the second half of the school year to inspire their sense of adventure.
1月14日 周五
1月14日 周五