时间:2022-01-27 20:38:17
在几周的在线学习后,为了促进苏州德威国际高中同学老师间的联系与排解疫情期间的枯燥,德威学生会发起了“每日健康挑战”活动,这一活动受到了师生们的积极响应,为师生们提供了联系的桥梁,也带来了快乐。感谢学生会Steven C.同学供稿,以下是活动详情:
Dulwich International High School Suzhou Student Council Launches Daily Wellbeing Challenges! After several weeks of online learning, the student council came up with an idea to bring students together and increase the connection between students and teachers. Daily Wellbeing Challenges are designed to alleviate dullness during the epidemic and so far, they have been very well received by students and teachers alike. Thanks to Steven C. from Student Council for his contribution. Here are the details of the event: Since the start of our online learning, we have received mixed responses from the student body which include both praise and complains. However, what is common is the need for a communication platform between all students. At the same time, thanks to the robust connection between Dulwich schools and the network between student council heads all over the world, we can share ideas of how to improve students’ wellbeing. One solution shared by Dulwich College Beijing is a Daily Challenge. After a detailed meeting between the student leaders and a report to Mr. Garnhum, we decided to give it a try in our school. We first started the challenge in Y12 and tutors, and our challenges received positive responses from the Year 12 students. We are also pleased to receive positive feedback from students who indicated that the platform gave them access to valuable leisure activities to do once their studies were complete. Some say the platform gives them a way to connect with other students and teachers more often.
The Daily Challenges cover interesting topics that are selected by the council. Students can optionally share images and videos related to the topic. As well as receiving a Starbucks voucher, the winners and runners-up of the challenges will have an opportunity to choose the next topic. Topics so far have included “plants” “cooking” “handicraft” and “collections”.The reaction was immediate and exciting – within an hour of launching, dozens of students (and many staff) had already uploaded photos, and submissions have been growing every day since. Everyone clearly sees the value of taking a few minutes to connect with others and to have fun. Currently, we are promoting the activities to other year groups as well. We sincerely hope our little activities can effectively help students overcome the hardships during the epidemic.Please see below some examples of the challenge。