常州威雅公学实验学校 | 高年级学术徽章获得者Academic Colours February 2021
时间:2022-01-27 20:25:42
Academic Colours February 2021
Academic Colours February 2021
A number of Sixth Form pupils were delighted to receive their Academic Colours in Assembly last week in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements. Like many top UK schools, Academic Colours at Wycombe Abbey are awarded to pupils who have obtained the very top grades across all of their subjects. Very few Academic Colours are awarded every year and we are very proud of these pupils’ achievements.
The Sixth Form recipients of Academic Colours are:
董同学 A Dong (Austen)
赵同学 C Zhao (Somerville)
王同学 D Wang (Somerville)
顾同学 G Gu (Turner)
童同学 I Tong (Dove)
胡同学 J Hu (Newton)
周同学 J Zhou (Hawking)
孙同学 M Sun (Hawking)
黄同学 T Huang (Fonteyn)
These pupils should be congratulated for their achievements which demonstrate their full commitment to their academic studies at Wycombe Abbey. We look forward to identifying further awardees of Academic Colours in the Summer Term.
常州威雅公学实验学校招收3-18周岁适龄学生并对7岁以上学生开放学院制寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,秉承“每一个孩子都卓越” 的教育愿景和全人教育办学理念。不仅重视学生卓越学术能力的培养,更通过音乐、艺术、运动等全方位高品质课外课程以及丰富且有挑战性的研学旅行项目,深入挖掘每一位学生天赋和潜能,全面提升核心素养和全球化视野,帮助学生未来进入世界名校和终身发展奠定坚实的基础。