时间:2022-01-27 19:41:20
恭喜王铭晨、牟朱丹萍、曾尚之、彭高俊同学被多伦多大学#QS全球大学排名25#(University of Toronto)录取!
Congratulations to our students for their acceptance into the University of Toronto (#QS University Rankings # 25)!
In the past three years, students have learned a lot and experienced a rich learning experience in Lanzhou Concord College of Sino-Canada. Students majored in Economics, Environmental Science, Humanities, Finance, etc. Looking forward to seeing them enter their favorite universities and start a new chapter of their lives!
- Canada’s Best Universities by Reputation 加拿大大学最佳声誉排名位居榜首,同时在Best Overall 综合评价,Highest Quality 最高质量, Most Innovative 最具创新, Leaders of Tomorrow未来领导四项排名全部位居榜首;
- Canada’s Best Medical Doctoral Universities 加拿大最佳医博类大学排名#2;
- 在各专业排名Subject Rankings
- Biology 生物#1
- Business 商科#1
- Computer Science 计算机科学#1
- Engineering 工程专业#1
- Environmental Science 环境科学#2
- Mathematics 数学专业#1
- Psychology 心理学#1
2021 US News全球排名#17
- #1 in Best Global Universities in Canada
- #17 in Best Global Universities
2021 THE World University Ranking
2021 QS World University Rankings
多伦多大学(University of Toronto) 是加拿大的一所著名大学,位于安大略省的多伦多市,与安大略省政府及议会环绕在市中心的女王公园四周。学校始于1827年英国乔治四世颁布的皇家宪章,是殖民时代加拿大最早建立的高等学府。它早期名为“国王学院”,直至于1849年脱离圣公会而成为非宗教大学,并改为现名。受英国大学制度影响,多伦多大学是美洲少数实行独立书院制的学府,各书院享有高度自治权。
The University of Toronto (U of T, UToronto, or Toronto) is a public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, situated on the grounds that surround Queen's Park. It was founded by royal charter in 1827 as King's College, the first institution of higher learning in Upper Canada. Originally controlled by the Church of England, the university assumed the present name in 1850 upon becoming a secular institution. As a collegiate university, it comprises twelve colleges that differ in character and history, each retaining substantial autonomy on financial and institutional affairs. Academically, the University of Toronto is noted for influential movements and curricula in literary criticism and communication theory, known collectively as the Toronto School. The university was the birthplace of insulin and stem cell research, and was the site of the first practical electron microscope, the development of multi-touch technology, the identification of Cygnus X-1 as a black hole, and the theory of NP completeness. By a significant margin, it receives the most annual research funding of any Canadian university. It is one of two members of the Association of American Universities located outside the United States.