时间:2022-01-27 19:17:16
由哥伦比亚大学商学院Venture For All 以及IEG共同主办的第五届高中生模拟企业家大赛于5月24-26日在上海中学国际部举行。此项赛事旨在鼓励青年才俊积极展示他们在商业领域中的想象力和创新能力。本次大赛共有来自亚洲不同区域的30组学生进入决赛。参赛选手带来的创业计划书主题涉及科技、医疗、环保、健康生活、社区持续发展等领域。来自深圳奥斯翰外语学校的“Culture Alert”代表队的六名组员赴沪参赛。他们设计了一款新的APP, 可以帮助人们更好地了解不同的文化,从而消除不同文化族群之间的歧视和社会中存在的不平等现象。
Model Entrepreneur, ME, is a global competition hosted by Columbia Business School’s Venture For All Program and IEG Global Association with the goal to encourage young talents to stand out from pure imagination and speak out innovative ideas with business feasibility.
Its 2019 Asia Edition was held at Shanghai High School International Division from May 24th to 26th, 2019. 30 teams from different regions in Asia participated in the five rounds of the final. The topics of their business proposals covered fields such as technology, sustainable community development, medical care, environmental protection, and healthy life promotion.
Culture Alert, formed by 6 Oxstand students, attended this great event as representatives of Oxstand. The team designed an APP which allows people to learn about other cultures in order to reduce discrimination and inequality.
The first round of the competition was the product video presentation which should be only in 60 seconds. In the process of making the video, we collaborated with each other, brainstormed together, and used our imaginations and creativity to strive for the votes from the judges.
After presenting our video, we proceeded to the second round which involved presenting our business proposal to the judges. The presentation involved identifying the problem and solution, determining potential customers, describing the product, explaining the business model, analyzing competitors, completing an analysis of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, completing a financial analysis, and discussing next steps.
The third round was a debate with other teams. It was very different from the first two rounds, because we not only needed to show the advantages of our product but also needed to be challenged by the other teams. In this debate, we realized that we needed to keep calm and concentrate, because it was the only way for us to find out the weaknesses of the other teams and to win the competition.
We ended up in the top 30 out of 130 teams who competed in the final. These teams were just like competitors in a business environment and the judges were like the customers.
Reaching the final was a great accomplishment since this was the first time that a team from Oxstand ever competed in the Model Entrepeneur competition. Through this experience we learned a lot about teamwork, as well as the process of developing and marketing a product. We are very proud of the effort we put in, and hope to be even more successful in future competitions.